Welcome to the Farpath

What the hell is the Farpath?

I’m glad you asked.

The Farpath is a story made of many tales. Basically it’s the continuum where all of my books take place. They don’t all happen in the same world or universe, but they all travel the same path. Some are just further down the trail than others.

Does this matter?

Kind of… but also, not really.

Each series is meant to be enjoyed on its own, so it will never be neccisary to read them all to understand things. That being said, there are threads that tie them together. Some of these connections are subtle and only noticeable to those that are paying close attention. You may also meet your favorite characters along the path in multiple stories. Overall, these threads weave a larger picture and give a greater understainding of the tale the path has to tell.

What should you expected?

The Farpath ecompas many different genres but shares some common elemnts, so you can always expect the same informal tone, as well as quirky characters from different backgrounds, action, silly banter, and emotional driven storytelling.

Okay, but what about the complicated stuff?

Power flows through the path, but it can be accessed in a variety of ways. The result is a hard but irational magic system. This means that their are firm rules for every method of obtaining power, but each can vary wildly. They can also interact in unpredictable ways.

So where should you start?

Well, I have only written two series so far. As far as the path is concerned, Pixel Dust is series 1 and Necrotic Apocalypse is series 2. I want to say it’s best to start in order but you could really start with either. The connections between them are not obvious so don’t worry too much.