Just a quick update on Necrotic Book 5 and other stuff

Just a quick update on Necrotic Book 5 and other stuff

The first draft of Necrotic Apocalypse book 5, Rebirth, has been finished. It is currently 175K words and is the longest book I have written. There’s a lot of character work and level progression, plus some ridiculous battles, so it should have something for everyone. Now that the draft is done, I have to edit it. I have a few chapters to rewrite and some significant streamlining so this should take me until the end of February.

Once I hand it in, it goes into Mountaindale’s editing schedule so I can’t comment on when it will be released, but I will update here when I know something more concrete. Like the others in the series, it should come out on the same day as the audio, so at least there’s that. I plan to work on Pixel Dust book 4 while Rebirth is going through professional editing, so look forward to that.

Also, a heads up I lost access to my facebook account. So, I have made a new one and a new author page that can be found here. The old one is still up unfortunately, and I am fighting to get it taken down to avoid confusion. The whole situation is maddening, and I lost a solid week of writing dealing with it. Good lord I hate social media companies. So yeah, go like the new page.

Anyway, that’s it!